Thursday, 17 February 2022

Book 5, Letter 18 - Herodotus


Dear Cicero,

I met Herodotus around the same time I met you, in a little bookstore in the central markets, and over the past four or so years, his book has remained on my bedside table (first one translation, then another, then a third). From his stories of the Scythians, to the origins of money, dice games and even the roots of the east/west divide, Herodotus has inspired my imagination and sent me on many more literary adventures than I could easily recount.

Tonight I just wanted to read to you from his account of the wild beasts of Libya and beyond, in my mind it's a real, 'lions and tigers and bears, oh my!', kind of moment. Because the study of history is not always serious.

With Gratitude and Respect,




Thursday, 3 February 2022

Book 5, Letter 17 - Cicero - On Torture


Dear Cicero,

Aristotle had something to say on this subject, and I read to you today on the same topic, simply as a comparison, since it seems obvious to me that whoever wrote Rhetorica ad Herennium, was likely quite familiar with Aristotle's earlier work. The problems of coercion, and the unreliable results obtained when force is used on people is not a subject irrelevant to our modern times, and while I wish to make no further aspersions regarding the problems of my era, I will leave it up to you to consider the wisdom contained within this textbook.

With gratitude and respect,
