Dear readers,
Book three of this blog is now complete, another 21 letters to my dead friends.
Book four is being written. I have found myself standing in the shadows of the Seven Pillars of wisdom, by TE Lawrence, I converse with Epictetus, and and I return at length to Xenophon, Tacitus, Herodotus, and finally, Ryokan, the Zen monk. There is much more to be learned, and this year I will complete reading the 4th, and final book of Cicero's letters. I will be reading more of his political speeches, including the Philippics, and I will begin reading his political treatises. At least, that's the plan.
The last few months have been very productive. I released a solo album in August 2019, and another in February 2020. They can be found here: Zebulon Storyteller If you enjoy music that tells a story, or poetry that asks more questions than it gives answers, then you will likely enjoy my music.

I also have many videos on Youtube, including the complete recordings from the festival show my band put on in 2019. Iron Dwarf presents: Gil and the Kid - the hard-boiled detective story retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh, complete with a belly dancer, a funk band and puppets.
Gil and the Kid - (Full Video's here)
I also teach middle eastern drumming here in Adelaide, and the last year has seen a great leap forward in the troupe's skills. I write a study blog for them here... Drum Arabesque
My new novel is nearly complete. Monkey and Tortoise. It is a novel concerning an animal sanctuary where the inhabitants have gained the ability to read and write and speak with the humans who live nearby. My previous novel, a dark fantasy, The Hangman Tree, is still in proofreading and third draft editing. Of all my writing projects, this has taken the most time and requires the most concentration to work on. It is still a couple years away from completion, but I cannot rush the river.
I have started a new blog, In Praise of the Living, where I publish my reviews of books and music performances. I currently have reviews up for some Adelaide poets who I absolutely recommend, as well as a three page write up of Amanda Palmer's recent 4 hour concert – There will be no intermission.
In other news, I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons with my two sons, and the current game events are set in a fictionalised Rome, where Caesar is a Gaulish War Chief and the popularly elected dictator of the Roman Republic, while Crassus (a shapeshifter) fights Pompey (a half giant) for control of the city, and Cicero, grown vengeful after his exile, has returned to Rome from Asia with an army of assassins, intent on taking over all of Italy. Then there is the Pirate Archipelago to the north, the Orcs and Wild Elves in the south, and a race of Mind Flayers trying to take over the whole planet from the moon, by psychically enslaving all the Gnomes of Rome, which has led to the unanimous decision of the Roman Senate, to declare: NO GNOMES IN ROME!!!
The Pirate Archipelago
To you my readers, I must express my gratitude. I absolutely appreciate the time you give to read my letters, and I thank everyone who posts comments here on the blog, or on Facebook. I am always eager to chat. I am fascinated by the influence the dead have on our lives, but I do not ignore the gifts of the living.
So, I raise a glass and salute the coming year, whatever it may hold.
Thank You.
PS. Good luck to us all in coping with the Covid pandemic. The future is unwritten.
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